Friday, November 19, 2010

"My Trip Abroad" by ten year old Emma Louisa Sutton

In the Summer of 1925 Emma (grandma) takes a trip abroad with her mother.  Here is the first two entries in her journal:
June 14, 1925
On train between K.C. Mo. and Chicago
Dad put Mother and me aboard the Santa Fe at K.C. After the train started pulling out grips from under seats interested me imesely (sic) when I wanted to read the funny books the Sutherlands gave me before I left for dinner I was oblidged to feast on candy which had carefully been tucked away in the grips and mother perslated (?) in having much fun by smashing a poor little fly on the window but our day ended happily with crossword puzzles in our bed.

June 15, 1925
On train between Chicago and Montreal
Waking up at 5:30 in the morning to change trains at Chicago is no easy job but easy or not it had to be done.  After arriving in Chicago early in the morning I proseded to get something for Dick and Fred and finding something for boys to me its a hard job. After picking a box of candy and a matchcase from hundreds of other things we aboarded the M.C. train and who should enter in the same car with us but our friend Mrs. McGarvey, Mrs. Lavorce and a charming young girl named Tracy.  We saw Dick and Fred for a few minutes but "All Aboard" was called much to soon to our sorrow.  After the same old talk we arrived at Detroit and an hour never went so fast in all my born days as it did then.  All we had to do was to set the clock up an hour.  The porter told us 25 minutes stop there so our little party of five started to the station for a drink after fooling around a bit we decided the train would be the safest place to use up the rest of our time.  We got to the gate and low and behold our train had left us.  Well after much excitement we got on another and caught up with the bygone train at a little Canadian city named Winsow and it stopped to pick we orphan five.  The rest of the evening was left for pleasure and talk.

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